Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whew! Met with Beth my trainer, and had a good workout! I feel like this is already making my heart stronger and doing alot of good. It's only been not even a week since I started working out.
I feel like I'm making better choices on my eating, but I'm still tempted by the sweet things. I just need to get my "sweet tooth" pulled, and maybe I won't have these cravings. I have gotten better though, so that's a plus. Any suggestions from my team mates will be helpful. What do you do when you're craving the sweet things?


  1. I wish we could pull a tooth and have our sweet desire go away! Frozen fruit, greek yogurt with a dab of honey, dark chocolate and the best is drink water and go move - walk, climb stairs - do something that takes your mind off of it.

  2. Crystal Light is good for a sweet fix or some of the sugar free fruit popsicles. Ummm...I'll have to think a little more!

  3. A piece of gum often stops my craving for sweets. I'm getting so I don't crave the sweet stuff much anymore, put I sure miss the chips and pretzels! They tell us it's ok you can have some, just count the carbs and watch the serving size. My problem is, if I get started, I have a reeeeeal hard time stopping so for me, it's just keep away.
